Sunday, November 30, 2014


The other PA where I work has been promoted to interim lab director in a week or so, which I hope will be a good experience for her! As a result I'm now verifying the charges for the cases we do. I haven't  dealt with that much since leaving school but it is a good skill to have. It goes a lot faster now that I've refamiliarized myself with things and I don't have to think about the specimen types we see all the time.

I have other things I need to blog about but because of those other things, I haven't had too much spare time! Maybe in a few days.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Revisiting Duke

So last month one of my favorite bands was playing on a Monday night in Chapel Hill and I spent the preceding weekend in Durham revisiting old haunts. Since I was there on a weekday, I thought I'd take the opportunity to go back to campus and the hospital (the VA was closed since it was Columbus day). There was a bakery in the little town that I lived in that makes these amazing yeast donuts and I would bring them in sometimes, so I had called ahead and ordered five dozen to commit myself to going to visit (so easy to have the intentions but elect to sleep in more otherwise).

I got to see the renovated autopsy suites (SO BRIGHT!) and they've added lifts to help move the bodies, it is a nice improvement! Plus it was good to say hi to the autopsy folks and I popped into say a quick hello to Pam, the course director, and drop off donuts with her for the PA students.

Getting donuts to surge path was an ordeal... they moved to a new lab and it is further back from public areas. I didn't have an ID badge anymore or the number for the lab, but I ran into some residents I knew (they weren't going to surge path unfortunately) that gave me the direct number which helped immensely. I was able to call and someone came out so I was finally able to make the donut delivery!

It should be noted, that it makes me intensely uncomfortable to be somewhere like that without context. So I didn't stick around. It is nice to see people and catch up, but I'm also aware of the fact they're working and I don't want to overstay my welcome. Plus I had one more donut delivery to make! A small thank you for the friend that gives me a place to stay, who works downtown close to everything.

The concert was amazing and I had a great time in Durham, as always, and I felt slightly less bad about always going back to the area but never visiting!